The kitchen is a space used for more than food prep. The kitchen is also for eating and gathering, and with those activities comes a lot of necessary stuff. Because of everything you need to store in...
Thursday May
31st, 2018
Breakfast is better in a nook, right? Whether you’re sharing pancakes with the whole family, sipping your morning coffee alone, or just enjoying a book in the cozy corner, a breakfast nook should be...
Tuesday April
18th, 2017
Everyone knows the standardkitchen fixturesthat can be found in nearly every home: Sink, stove, refrigerator and so on. However, there is an assortment of unique and novel kitchen luxuries that...
Thursday March
2nd, 2017
A small kitchen can be a challenge for many reasons. From the limited counter space to the lack of storage, it's likely that you'll feel a bit cramped in a tiny kitchen.